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Блог: My love, perfect Malvina

07.10.2008 в 11:16
Владимир Герун x0
Vladimir Gerun

My the friend greetings, greetings mine you happiness,
I so dream only of you
When all superfluous bad weather will leave,
I can admit love to you
When all superfluous bad weather will leave,
I can admit love to you.

My love, perfect Malvina,
I only wish to like you,
Washing native you give birth to me to the son,
I will drink only for you to the bottom,
Washing native you give birth to me to the son,
I will drink only for you to the bottom.

I am far, but you with me nearby,
I so wished to press to the breast,
Soon the autumn will scatter a leaf fall
And to a shower to me, love, do not chafe,
Soon the autumn will scatter a leaf fall
And to a shower to me, love, do not chafe …

My friend greetings, greetings mine you happiness,
I so dream only of you
When all superfluous bad weather will leave,
I can admit love to you
When all superfluous bad weather will leave,
I can admit love to you.


My love, perfect Malvina

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